Jumat, 28 Februari 2025

Word of the Day: Sitzfleisch

Can you pronounce sitzfleisch?
Word Daily
Friday, February 28, 2025

Today's Word Brought to You By

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noun 1. A person's buttocks.
2. Power to endure or to persevere in an activity; staying power.

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Play Button "There was no intermission in the play, and by the fifth act I was feeling the long running time in my sitzfleisch."
Play Button "Eunice's grandson is a piano prodigy with the sitzfleisch to practice his instrument for four hours every day."
Play Button "After a few bad grades his freshman year, Quentin developed the sitzfleisch to develop a study plan for each class and stick to it."
German, late 19th century
Why This Word?
While the literal definition for "sitzfleisch" is "buttocks," the metaphorical definition is more evocative — it refers to the power to persevere through an activity all the way to the end. In this usage, the buttocks are not merely the flesh upon which one sits, but rather a demonstration of the power and endurance required to sit for a long time when others might sooner have given up. ...
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