Selasa, 25 Februari 2025

Word of the Day: Beastie

Can you pronounce beastie?
Word Daily
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Today's Word Brought to You By

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noun 1. (Humorous) An animal, insect, or germ.
2. (Informal) A vehicle or device of a particular kind.

Today's Word Brought to You By

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Play Button "Watch out for beasties trying to invade your picnic."
Play Button "I hate to carry my big camera, so I bring this little beastie in my purse."
Play Button "The Loch Ness monster is one of the most famed beasties of Scotland."
Scottish English, mid-18th century
Why This Word?
You're not going to hear this word from a veterinarian, or see it in a biology textbook, but you can use "beastie" to refer to any kind of creature, mythical or real. The word has Scottish roots, and you might hear it used as "wee beastie," with a jovial or even exasperated tone. ...
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